Economic effects calculations take a different perspective on our market research. While Meeting & EventBarometer and MeetingBarometer record the conference market of a destination in participants and events, economic effect calculations choose currency units such as € as a measurement. They thus indicate the monetary value of the conference market of a region or destination.
The Following Key Indicators can be Determined:
These key indicators on the economic strength of the conference market as well as the transparent and comprehensible calculation methods give destinations an extremely deep insight into the economic embedding of the conference market into the regional economy and thus considerably facilitate a self-confident argumentation vis-à-vis politicians or other partners.
Value Added at all Stages
Regional and Sectoral Distribution of Effects
Triggered Employment
Fiscal Effects
(income tax, church tax, sales tax, trade tax)
The Following Three Types of Data are of Central Importance:
Market Data: Information on the scope of events in the destination is taken from previous market studies.
Economic Data: form the foundation for the economic calculations. National input-output tables, regional employment and consumption data are taken from official statistics.
Spending Data: The most important data for the calculation. Depending on the module, consumption expenditure of these actors in the respective destination is recorded for this purpose.
If these data are available in a differentiated form and collected through primary research, then the above-mentioned key indicators can be determined through the developed model.
The procedure was developed by Ralf Kunze in his dissertation specifically for the meeting market and is thus fully visible and transparent.
The calculation is based on five modules that can be used to capture the overwhelming majority of the expenditure made on the meetings market.
Convention Bureau
When calculating the effects, it is possible to limit oneself to 2-3 modules, but then the market is not comprehensively covered.